The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University



Educational Principles

The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University (UGAS-EU) is a collaboration between the Graduate School of Agriculture at Ehime University and Kagawa University, and the Agriculture and Marine Science Program,Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences at Kochi University, each of which has its own unique characteristics.UGAS-EU aims to cultivate outstanding individuals, equipped with reasoned judgement based on profound insights into people, society, and nature, and advanced expertise and skills in highly specialized fields.

Through forward-thinking and innovative research to produce significant research outcomes, we aim to nurture individuals who contribute to their local communities, assume leadership roles in regional development in their fields, and serve as a driving force for progress. In addition, by actively welcoming outstanding students from around the world and training them to be core researchers who will shape the future in their respective countries, we all contribute to the sustainable development of society, a balanced relationship between humanity and the natural environment, and a more peaceful, considerate world.